OKNHA PHOU PUY was born on 6 May 1970 at Phteah Sdok Village and Commune, Bakan District, Pursat Province, Cambodia. In 1987, he married Ing Nung Pin and then the couple started their gem trading in Pailin. In 1990, Mr. Phou Puy established a rice mill at O'Snguot Village, Banteay Neang Commune, Mongkul Borey District, Banteay Meanchey Province. In 1996, he was elected as the president of Battambang Rice Millers Association and the president of the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Associations in 2000 respectively. In 2002 he established a microfinance institution, Intean Poalroath Rongroeurng Ltd. And in the same year he became the distributor for Unilever products for Pursat, Battambang, Pailin, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, and Oddor Meanchey provinces. Meanwhile, he founded another company- Cambodia Rice Export Import Co., Ltd. (CREXIM). On 12 December 2004, he was elected president of Battambang Chamber of Commerce. In 2005, he established another company, FTC Co.,Ltd. dealing with the distribution of Suzuki motorcycle, Sharp electronic gadgets, Taiyo furniture and other OMC products. In 2007 he set up a joint-venture company, Phou & Rickmers Rice (Cambodia) Limited, with the German company; Phou Puy Investment Co., Ltd. was also established in the same year. In 2008 he established the other two more companies- Promolphdom Peanichkam Co., Ltd. and Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. which he serves as the Board Chairman. He was awarded the degree of Professional Doctor of Business Administration by Isles International University European Union in 2010.
Deputy General Manager and Executive
Manager of Agricultural Products Division
Manager of Agricultural Products Division
Mr. Ny Lyheng was born on March 04, 1984 in Khao-I-Dang Camp in Thailand. Having finished high school in 2001, he then continued for BBA at the same year in the University of Management and Economics, Battambang Province, upon his success on the full scholarship award from the university. He’s started his work as a Chief of Cabinet in the Battambang Chamber of Commerce since February 2005. At the meantime, he’s worked for the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Associations as a Managing Director since 2006. He finished his Master of Business Administration from UME in early 2009. At the present time, he’s in charge as the Deputy General Manager and the Executive Manager of Agricultural Products Division of Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. In 2011, he was awarded the degree of Professional Doctor of Business Administration from IIU.
Deputy General Manager and Executive Manager
of Credit Division and Internal Audit
of Credit Division and Internal Audit
Lok Chum Teav Mrs. Ing Nung Pin was born on 03 January 1974 in Baray Village, Baray Commune & District, Takeo Province. Having finished high school in 1992, she did her bachelor degree of business management in Phnom Penh in year 2001 and she finished her Professional Master of Business Administration from IIU, European Union in 2010. In 1990, she worked for Yi Leng Rice Mill in Beanteay Meanchey. In 1993, she opened her own business of selling motorbikes in Battambang province. Then in 1995 she worked for Phou Puy Rice Mill. From 2002 to 2007 she was the distributer for Uniliver products for Battambang, Beanteay Meanchey, Pursat, Oddor Meanchey and Pailin province. In 2006, she joint Phou Puy Investment Co., Ltd. and in 2007, she was a co-founder of Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. At the present time, she works as Deputy General Manager and Executive Manager of Credit Division and Internal Audit.