* Form Baitang communityin the potential provinces of paddy production.
* Provide agricultural, small and medium business loan to Baitang community members and local farmers for paddy production and home based business.
* Supply consumer and goods products, paddy seeds, fertilizers, pesticidesand agricultural materials to Baitang community members.
* Set upcommunity of purified paddy seeds in the potentialareas of paddy production.
* Set up the market of paddy collection from Baitang community members as well as local farmers based on the price of free market or the contracted price.
*Expand Cambodian rice indomestic market and the potentiality throughout the world.
* Cooperate directly with all members of the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Associations for the volume of rice supply to the markets.
Encourage Baitang community members as well as the farmers to improve their paddy production in order to increase the quantity, quality, priceand markets as well as their household incomes and to reach quality standard for the world’s market.
Encourage Baitang community members as well as the farmers to improve their paddy production in order to increase the quantity, quality, priceand markets as well as their household incomes and to reach quality standard for the world’s market.
VISION of Baitang is to become a leading and consistent rice company in Cambodia and a potential rice supplier in the international markets.
MISSION of Baitang is to partner with farmers and the people in offering possibilities, productivities, products and services through forming Baitang community, providing agricultural loans, collecting paddy rice from Baitang community and supplying consumers and goods products and other products with fair price.
Mutually support and trust on collaboration between Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. and partners, farmers and the people in order to achieve the VISION and MISSION of Baitang.
FlourishingBaitangis the happiness of the farmers; good production, theprosperous farmers.