At the present time, Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. has been setting up the communities in three potential provinces, i.e., Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Pursat. To increase the paddy production as well as to maintain with the consistency of rice supply to the international markets, Baitang essentially needs to increase its community members in order to increase the quantity of paddy production and potentiality of Cambodian rice in the international markets.
Increasing Baitang community members is to move in the rice storage provinces in Cambodia such Kampong Cham, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Takeo, Prey Veng and Kampong Speu province. In the next coming year, Baitang will move forward to other three provinces, i.e., Takeo, Prey Veng and Kampong Thom. Baitang continues good cooperation with all levels of local authorities and farmers to provide loans and supply seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, other products, as well as agricultural techniques.
Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. prioritizes agricultural loan for the whole year of paddy production of famers with relatively lower interest rate compared to other micro-finance institutions. All loans are short and medium term according to period of each season. The paddy growing seasons are divided into 2 seasons, wet season and dry season. Baitang provides loan to farmers accordingly. Based on the result of baseline survey, we clearly understand the real need of the farmers on paddy production is “capital”. So, Baitang works closely with farmers to support them with agricultural loan for their paddy production. Agricultural loan of Baitang plays a basic role in increasing output of paddy production as well as generating incomes for the living condition of the farmers.
Agricultural loan of Baitang is provided to the community members and other farmers who engage in agricultural production. Size of loan will be offered according to the qualification and collateral of applicants, based on the evaluation of the credit officers. Loan procedure is processing through our officers. All Baitang community members can consult with our officers about loan application and collateral evaluation. The period of loan processing is not more than 2 days; the applicants shall receive their proposed loan then shortly. This loan can serve as the farmers’ capital to improve paddy production. Farmers can have this capital to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural materials.