Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. has Quality Assurance Team working to control the quality of paddy, milled rice and reprocessed rice to conform to the sanitation standard of food. All Quality Assurance Staff are trained on the sanitation standard quality and techniques of quality control. Criteria of quality control of paddy is to check on the percentage of purity, level of moisture, damaged kernel, chalky kernel, yellow kernel, red streak kernel, broken percentage, grain glossiness and other matters. Rice quality checking is to control from milling line to semi-final line; the criteria is to check on grain glossiness, broken percentage, color, smell and cleanliness before processing to final processing line and packing. We have high-tech equipments to control all quality criteria above. All factors of quality control in Baitang can entrust buyers with confidence in distributing or selling in the markets. As the leading rice export company, Baitang would ensure the quality to its best as the key factor – in maintaining the competitive advantage to the markets. 

The collected paddy has been processed into the Dryer to reduce the moisture level down to the standard of 14% maximum, before milling and refining. Baitang collects the paddy with the moisture level of between 24% to 30%.  And the capacity of Dryer is 500 tons per day.

The dried paddy is stored in the standard warehouse in good environment and clean place with properly managed technique. The total capacity of this warehouse is 100,000 tons.

Baitang milling plant is capable to do ordinary milled, well-milled and extra well-milled standard – ensuringthe quality for export to the world’s market. The capacity of milling plant is 20 tons of paddy per hour with the technology of SATAKE Japan.