Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. operates in partnership to expand its overall potentiality of business for itself as well as our existing partners: farmers, business people and other rice export companies in Cambodia. The foundation of Baitang is:
- To form Baitang community in the potential provinces of paddy production.
- To provide agricultural and small and medium business loan to Baitang community members for paddy production and home based business.
- To supply consumer and goods products, paddy seeds, fertilizers, pesticide and agricultural materials to Baitang community members.
- To set up community of purified paddy seeds in the potential areas of paddy production.
- To set up the market to collect paddy from Baitang community members as well as the local farmers based on the price of free market or the contracted price.
- To expand Cambodian rice market in Cambodia and the potentiality of Cambodian rice throughout the world.
- To cooperate directly with all members of the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Associations for the volume of rice supply to the markets.