1.Promoting of paddy production of Baitang community members: Baitang maintains its stance and increases prioritized target areas of agriculture by gathering more members of Baitang community in Battambang, BanteayMeanchey and Pursat province; likewise Baitang supplies good seeds, fertilizers and agricultural materials including agricultural techniques.
2.Improving capacity of rice processing complex for the demand of domestic and international markets: Responding to the huge demand of market in the upcoming year, Baitang plans to expand the capacity of milling plant up to 1,200 metric tons and reprocessing plant up to 1,500 metric tons per 24 hours.
3.Expanding segmentation of domestic and international markets: Our master plan is to speed up the expanding segmentation of domestic market in all over the country. Baitang has directly exported rice to 11 countries at the present time such as USA, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain and UK. Baitang is planning to broaden the potentiality of its market all over the world.