Baitang (Kampuchea) Plc. is a public limited company and was officially registered with the Ministry of Commerce in 2008. The company has been establishing and operating since 2008 by focusing on forming Baitang community, providing agricultural loan, supplying consumers and goods products to Baitang community members, setting up paddy collection markets, milling and refining rice to both domestic and international markets and exporting agro-products. The main objective of Baitang is to promote paddy and rice production to ensure both quantity and quality for the exportation to the overseas markets.

Cambodian farmers are capable, hardworking and communicable. The important thing they need is capital for agricultural production, especially paddy rice production; thus, Baitang is taking part in supporting them with hope in their livelihood by providing loan for agriculture and collecting their agricultural products as well as supplying various products at suitable price.

Baitang was founded by Oknha Dr. PhouPuy and his colleagues. It was established in early 2008 and located in the west of Battambang town about 7 kilometers. The location of Baitang is along the national road 5, in Prey KornSek Village, O’char Commune, Battambang Town, Battambang Province with the total area of 17 hectares. Baitang – comprising of large-scale Dryer, Storage warehouse, Rice milling plant, Rice refining and packaging plant and the office – isthe biggest rice refining complex in Cambodia at the present time.