
Baitang supply goods and consumer products to its community members, such as frying oil, soft-drinks, Greenbeer, Baitangdetergent, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other products. Baitangsells all products to community members with fair price. Baitang has its own productswith the trade name of Baitang, such asBaitang soft-drinks, Green Beer, BaitangDetergent andBaitang Dish-wash.

Some products of Baitang are imported from different partners, such as Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia and USA. The products imported are of good quality for the market demands and with fair price. These are the advantages for the farmers as well as Baitang members directly obtained from the company. Anyhow, all products of Baitang are not yet sufficient for market demand in the community, so Baitang imports other types of goods from the partners in response to market demands of Baitang community members in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Pursat province.